Welcome to the Gardnerian Tradition
Web Ring
We are followers of a Wiccan Tradition
defined by Gerald B. Gardner. Normally, Gardnerians are very private, not
letting many know of their existance. We are trying this as an experiement
in networking with other groups, and traditions. With the pages in this
ring, we hope to dispell the rumors, misconceptions, and down right lies
about our Tradition.
The Gardnerian tradition, the oldest
tradition in modern Wicca, is rather misunderstood by the pagan community
at large, mostly because it has maintained it secretive ways. Gardnerian
Wiccans rarely declare themselves as such.
All member of this ring are confirmed
members of the Garderian Tradition.
This Gardnerian
Tradition Web Ring site owned by Ring
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Ring Established October 1998